The high cost Trap of old Technology
Have you thought, when you look back at prior generations of technology, "What a brick/monster?"
And...generally "what an incredible price" I paid at the time.
Big developments in technology result in simplification and a reduction in cost.
One reason manufacturers are reluctant to make a step change in technology is because of "legacy products". These are products they have been selling for years and the manufacturers do not want to create anything too new to dislodge existing business.
The other reason is simply "gotta get round to it".
It takes a disrupter with totally new technology to get a significant price reduction and a big step in value.
Safiery has done just that to digital switching of lights, appliances, fans, pumps, awnings for boats, 4WD's and RV's. Our STARSHIP family of 10 products is based on new technology, is extremely compact and generally half the cost of competition.

None of these layers require the Internet.
Of course if you have it, then at the top level you can see the system and control it remotely.
What is the technology shift that cuts costs in half?
STARSHIP's digital controllers (all 4 of them) use IPv6 endpoints for each switchable output.
Don't shun this techno speak. Most of you are familiar with IPv4 "" address for your home router. It defines a node on the network. IPv6 does the same but the number of possible end points is so vast I can't type the number. These IPv6 end points are accessible, subject to security, both locally and remotely.
This sets up the digital controller to accept "switch inputs" from a wide variety of devices types. There is ZERO middleware.
Better still, the switching can be done remotely if there is an internet connection.
Safiery uses these end points in every controller and accesses them through three different modes of communication without any middleware or translators.
The three communication channels are:
1) Wired using CAN or NMEA in marine
2) Long Range Bluetooth using the robust 802.15.4 transport layer
3) WiFi using the Matter open protocol.
Each of these connect to the same end point in every controller. The development was complex but "simplicity is complexity resolved". One product connecting in three ways working in harmony.
Progressively Add in Small Lots
One size that fits all is easy for a manufacturer but it sure loads a lot of extra cost if you only need an incremental 2-4 channels.
Safiery's STARSHIP controllers are sized:
- 12 channels -Big current:
- 12 channel - medium current
- 4 channel - medium current
- 2 channel - medium current.
This means you can start with a roof rack reversing spotlight and 2 side lights in the 4 channel model with a wireless switch in the centre console for less than $480. Then when budget permits, add progressively to it.
Size Matters
The smallest controller is waterproof 55 x 32 x 15 and good for 20A at 12V. Perfect to embed in an engine room or on top of a roof rack.
The largest controller is 140 x 110 x 35 and capable of 150A continuous, 12 channels. They feature advanced fuseless design isolating short circuits in 80 millionths of a second. The large controller has individual backup control buttons on the controller as well.

Installation costs are also halved.
This new technology reduces not only product cost but more than halves installation cost too!
The benefit of wireless switches is both flexibility of location and near zero installation cost.
Imagine the pain in wiring 10 individual switches to an old world digital controller. You have to find the real estate for the switches as well as space for all the wiring.
Simplicity has arrived with STARSHIP.
Wireless Range is 40M+
The technology challenge is having smart switches with a 40m range through metal and 5 yr battery life.
Switches are 10mm thin. We tick that box after a painful journey.
The STAR-Tank radar tank level transmitter is also battery powered. The information density with radar is high and filtering that for reliable information takes energy.
We use AI with 5 yr battery life.
Aussie Technology Designed, Software Developed and Made in Queensland Exporting to the World
Safiery has nominated this technology for the DAME award at METSTRADE in Amsterdam in Nov. We had to submit a video describing why we should win.
We are the Aussie underdog here taking on the mighty global giants. Regardless of your football code or colours, support us as fellow Aussies sharing this post and liking our video. Also an interesting backstory that starts in Sweden you can read here.
Come and see STARSHIP at TRADESHOWS in Australia, SEMA 2024 in USA and METSTRADE 2024 in Amsterdam on the Safiery Stand.