
Tomorrow’s Technology Today

Engineering the Future, so you can enjoy the present.

Safiery engineers the future so you enjoy today

We are an Australian company designing & building power conversion, energy and wireless digital switching devices. We tackle the really hard stuff that others just can't do, for the mobile lifestyle.

Building products that we regard as "World Class". Here are some examples:

  • DC DC Power Conversion at 250A 12V in a size saller than a Kleenix box and weighing 2.3kgs. 
  • Waterproof CAN BMS Lithium Batteries that plug together with simple on/off touch switch for entire train.
  • Lithium batteries of the highest quality with CAN BMS displaying min max cell voltages less than 3 thousandths of a volt.
  • One Lithium battery 400 x 180 x 285 that produces 8000W of power (at 48V).
  • Dual Voltage Lithium CAN BMS battery systems 12V and either 24V, 36V or 48V.
  • Tank level monitoring to 1mm using Phased Co-herent Radar technology; 5 year battery powered.
  • Digital switches using 100m long range Bluetooth, yet has battery life of 4-20 years.
  • Digital switching that puts the smarts into the buttons. One press, two presses, three presses for different LED colours.
  • Digital switching that uses native Apple, Google, Amazon or Samsung compliant technology for smartphones and no internet!
  • Induction cooktops with advanced software to give absolutely smooth power between 300W and 2000W. No Pulsing. What you see in $5000 cooktops for a fraction of the price.
  • We wrap Victron energy products around our batteries, DC DC and digital switching for a compliant integrated system that works flawlessly.
STARship Hybrid Open network of Wireless and Wired Segments Digital switching Control

All of us at Safiery just love what we do. Researching and building products that we regard as "World Class". The fun part of what we do is to pick "really hard problems" and solve them. We build products with embedded software that take the user experience to the next level.

We are proud of Australian technology and currently export 15% of sales with a target of 80%. 

Some examples of complex technology we have achieved.

  • Creating a power equation for a connected alternator and auto-tuning to it without need for alternator RPM.
  • Consuming 3 uA on wireless switches and wireless radar tank sensors giving 4 to 20 years.
  • Current cut-off if a short circuit with STAR-Power of 80 millionths of a second. The energy is less then 3W and thus there is no melting of wires even on a 1mm squared wire!
  • STAR-Light with control of LED's on either positive OR negative legs thus enabling RGBW lighting which is otherwise difficult to do.
  • Really complex DC DC scenarios that we simplify with advanced software. Too many applications to name.
Licences and Memberships
  • Member of NMEA
  • Member of ABYC
  • Member of Connectivity Standards Alliance.
  • Queensland Electrical Contractors Licence : 88612 expiry Sept 2024
  • Member of the Clean Energy Council (Australia) and CEC Approval as a direct importer and distributor of Lithium batteries.
  • Member of IEEE Australia.
Our Leadership

Our CEO and Co-Founder, Bruce Loxton, spent 22 years with ABB and Honeywell. Two of the biggest names in power and control. Bruce was Chairman of one of the biggest Australian Defence consultancies: "Qinetiq" for 6 years. Qinetiq employs over 2,000 technology specialists globally and is listed on London Stock exchange.  Bruce holds a B.E. (Hons) Uni of Qld, is a Chartered Member of the Institution of Engineers since 1984 and a Member of IEEE since 1995. 

Fiona Hou, our Co-Founder and Chief Design Officer has a degree in Communications Engineering and holds a Masters from Edith Cowan University in WA. Fiona has in depth software experience in 3D modelling and design.

Our Name and Logo

Our name derives from being fired-up. The english spelling of the adjective is "Fiery".

Our Logo comes from the environmentally green Phoenix bird flying from the ashes.

Put together, we are fired up about decarbonisation using technology for lowest cost.

Always Recruiting Talented People - Consider a Career with Safiery
Everyone has talent. We help take the lid off and pour it out... Safiery recruits people with the ability to absorb new technology quickly and contribute with their own experience in these areas:
  • Customer Service.
  • Detailed Assembly and Software loading and testing of firmware.
  • Build and Manage customer projects.
  • Deep knowhow in Marine power and electronics.
  • Build Relationships with Customers and be their Advocate (Sales).
We tailor roles around peoples strengths. So we don't advertise specific jobs, we look for talented people and develop a role that suits them. You have read our story. We would like to hear your story. Go to our Menu in the header> Stories> One to One with Bruce and book a time. Lets hear from you live!
Commitment to Multi-cultural, Gender and Age Diversity
Safiery has employees who hail from 7 different countries in the world. We particularly welcome New Zealanders who have innovation in their DNA. We are 35% women in the  workplace and value the diversity this brings. Our goal is to be 50% gender balanced. 35% of our employees are over the age of 50. We welcome the insight that comes from a depth of experience. 20% of our employees are under 25. We welcome youngsters with a thirst for knowledge. We welcome people with disabilities that doesn't exclude them from sitting and doing fine motor assembly work.