Read how the AI functionality works by clicking here.
Read how the AI functionality works by clicking here.
Scotty AI is a bi-directional DC DC power converter with an AI driven controller that:
- Automatically extracts power from an alternator.
- Auto-tunes to match the specific alternator attached.
- When engine is off, reverses power direction.
- Does not require engine RPM to optimize its output.
The clever and novel AI function has an international provisional patent:
- During an initial “auto-tuning”, Scotty AI goes through 4 phases of machine learning. At a derived voltage, a range of power loads is applied to the alternator. Under each load, the voltage breaks from derived voltage. The “voltage break profile” including voltage rate of change is analysed. This process is then repeated 3 more times at different derived voltages to capture up to 90 data points. You see the process in the video.
- Using mathematical modelling, the data points are used to form a dynamic power curve without the requirement to measure RPM. In fact, although engine speed is a key input to produced alternator power, actual RPM measurement is really an irrelevant parameter in our AI derived power curve.
- During operation, slight changes to voltage are constantly applied under load and from the resulting voltage break profile, the load is increased or decreased to match the tuned model.
- The benefit of Scotty Ai over RPM derived control is that power output changes because of alternator temperature change and net power available if additional electrical loads are applied at the alternator voltage level, are automatically accommodated. It is clean and simple single auto-tuning process of 2 minutes.
- There are 3 profiles derived during the Auto-tuning process that are labelled: “Soft”, “Medium” or “Hard”. The user can select one of these in addition to “off” from the touch display on the helm station.
- In the video, you will see the power output at the “Medium” setting is very close to the power output at the “Hard” setting. Yet the actual current is some 20-30A less at the medium setting. Less current, less power losses and less heat.
- An additional AI function is machine learning on alternator temperature and power. We have found a very wide range of operating temperatures in the engine bay. Using measured temperature on part of the alternator alone as a dampening variable is an educated guess. Rate of change of temperature is a good proxy of how hard the alternator is working when at or close to its limit. This is what we measure and machine learn. Rate of temperature change, temperature, current and voltage are all analysed for a normal range for the alternator. If the temperature variables go outside of the norm, the setting level is pushed down from “hard” to “medium” or “medium” to “soft” reducing the current. This adds a layer of protection to the alternator and is a fundamental goal of Scotty AI.
- Once Scotty AI is auto-tuned, there is no need to apply this again. No Laptop nor external program is ever needed.
- The manual is 1 page supported by extensive self diagnostics in the smartphone app. Simple text messages are used. There is a glossary of terms and explanation in the app. Firmware can be updated “Over the Air” from a smartphone.
- Reported variables include cable power losses on the alternator side and the battery side if a CAN BMS. This can be valuable in maintenance assessments.
- The Smart Touch Display is supports Scotty AI and CAN-BMS batteries with battery monitoring, alternator power extraction and alternator temperature. It also allows for adjusting the power settings at idle.
- We highlight many different applications where Scotty AI solves problems for marine users as case studies. Click on the cards below to read each one.
Redundancy for the Marine User
- With Scotty AI, the native operating voltage of the engine’s starting battery and an attached house battery is preserved. This means that if the 24v, 36v or 48V battery that Scotty AI is charging ceases to function, the user can continue operating with the native voltage system.
- This redundancy is highlighted as an emergency operating mode during lightning conditions with the Privilege catamaran owner. He disables and isolates the 48V system: batteries and inverter charger during lightning conditions and motors on the native 12V system.
Simplified House Battery for Fishing Boats with trolling motors/geo-stationary anchors.
- Trolling motors/geo-stationary anchors operate at higher voltages. Without Scotty AI, a 24V or 36V battery is required plus the charging system. If 12V refrigeration and other loads are also present, then a second house battery with charging system is required. With Scotty AI only one battery system is required. Scotty AI can charge a 36V battery from either the alternator or from the shore power source. It will be tuned for the engine(s) but will accept the fixed shore power effortlessly.
- There is a choice of locating the house battery at the 36V level or the 12V level. If the 12V level is chosen, using a pre-charge function, Scotty AI can operate the 36V load without a 36V battery. If the 36V level is chosen, Scotty AI can deliver 1500W or 3000W at the 12V level for inverters as well as small loads like refrigeration. Watch the video on a 3000W inverter load being pulled through Scotty from a 36V battery bank.
- Generally fishing boats have limited space for multiple We highlight many different applications where Scotty AI solves problems for marine users as case studies. Click on the cards below to read each one.
Simplified House Battery for Fishing Boats with a Gyro.
- Gyros consume significant energy. There is also a delay if waiting to spin up the gyro on shore power. By using a 48V battery bank, gyro users get a higher energy density in a smaller volume. This can power the gyro all night. Scotty AI can charge this battery bank AFTER the power for the 12V gyro is consumed. This gives high replenishment energy if the outboard alternators have the power capacity. Watch the video of two Verado 275hp engines, a Scotty AI 3000 and a Seakeeper 1. Electric steering consumes a lot of power so in this case study, we upgraded one of the Verado alternators to 200A from 120A.
Catamarans with no genset or users not wanting to run a genset.
- This is one of the strongest applications for Scotty AI. Each alternator can be individually auto-tuned yet the pair operate on the one Can network with the battery BMS.
- A ‘floating master” is established between the two units. Should the user be motor sailing, switching from port to starboard and vice versa results in the floating master role switching seamlessly.
- The Scotty AI 1500 has a maximum current draw of 125A at 12V and is well matched with the engine alternators fitted as standard by most European catamaran manufacturers.
Large power yachts wanting a silent night.
- It is common to find the master cabin on 100ft motor yachts within earshot of operating gensets. The owners want a silent night… and early morning while the espresso and induction is running. The battery capacity required is significant and the only practical voltage is 48V. The refrigeration is generally at the 24V level to match the native starting system. Scotty Ai not only charges from the engine alternators at 24-48V but then discharges when the engines are off. The 24V loads are significant and Scotty Ai is typically delivering up to 3000W continuously on the 24V side over night.
- Scotty AI provides both a high replenishment capability with redundancy for larger vessels with 24V alternators at 150A each. Up to two of these per engine have been fitted giving a total 16kw capacity. With two Scotty AI’s per engine, give a total of 12kW charging capacity.
- Installed systems include a 100kWh 48V house bank being replenished from 12kW Scotty AI array which is sufficient to run the saloon and helm aircon loads and electronics power while motoring without the genset running. The resulting “silent night” is gold to the owners.

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