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Power Packs to suit Motor Yachts

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No 24v House battery required

32 FT BAVARIA D3 110 Volvo 9kw Alternator 8,000W inverter charger, 12,000Whrs Lithium

80 FT Sunseeker Predator
No 24v House battery required

80Ft Sunseeker Predator upgraded with 2 x Scotty's 24V to 48V, 20,000Wh Lithium 15,000W Inverter/Charger

  • CHARGE FROM ALTERNATOR - Whether an alternator on an outboard or a large alternator on a large propulsion engine, maximize the charge rate when under propulsion power. Choose either an alternator controller or Scotty or Spock.
  • BI DIRECTIONAL DC POWER TRANSFER - Most boats have two different voltages. A higher voltage for Inverter/ Trolling Motors. Transferring power from one voltage to the other needs efficient power assessment.
  • RE-THINK USE OF 240V APPLIANCES - Lithium battery storage makes inverter power easy. 240V appliances are less expensive and more flexible in sizing.

SAFIERY has this unique technology in our CANbus controlled Lithium Systems:

  • NO SHUNTS - Easy to install. Less Cost. Less Space. Less Weight.
  • LITHIUM SETS CHARGE LIMITS - Victron charging system stays within limits set by CANbus battery.
  • LITHIUM DETAILS SEEN FROM ANYWHERE ON INTERNET - Victron system allows the CANbus Lithium (either 12V or 48V) to be seen in detail from anywhere on the internet.

These are the Lithium Battery Voltages Safiery supports:

  • 12V - Easy to work with for currents less than 100A continuous.
  • 24V - Best compromise for 2,000W Inverters and DC power.
  • 48V - Best power level for 3,000W and above.
  • 400V- BMW I3 or Torqueedo style battery. We supply Alternator charging and 240V Inverter power straight from battery - no intermediate voltage.
  • 800V - Large Case automotive style battery. We supply Alternator charging and 240V Inverter power straight from battery - no intermediate voltage.

24V Master Battery System



400-800V Master Battery System

Example of Supplied Wiring Diagram for major systems
