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Scalable Micro-Grids for Commercial, Shopping Centers, Colleges, Industrial

Safiery "AI" technology turns green power into a profit.

Safiery raises the bar in the industry:

  1. Rather than just reduce your power bill, return a profit on your hybrid solar investment.
  2. With the right design, the payback is between 4-5 years.

It works very simply:

  1. You need an abundant roof area, preferably flat or north facing with no shading!
    Around 600m2 yields approx 100kWp. This yields between 350kWh in winter to 600kWh in summer in good weather.
  2. Solar energy production is used for daytime power and excess energy is stored in lithium batteries.
  3. Power demand is high during the 5pm to 8pm time slot, and this can push a high spot price.
  4. If the price is right, energy is sold on the spot market. In 2022 there were over 80 days where the spot price exceeded 70c/ kWh at peak times.
  5. After the battery is depleted, the system decides, based on your current energy demand trend and weather solar irradiation forecast, whether to buy power back overnight at very low rates or to wait for the next day’s solar production.
  6. Add Ultra-fast EV Super chargers. There are very few available because of limitations with the legacy power infra-structure. However, this may not be a limitation with high power solar installations and lithium batteries. During the day, EV charging can be powered 100% from solar. During the night, they can be charged from the Lithium batteries. Ultra-fast EV chargers can charge an 800V EV (Hyundai, Kia, Porsche, Audi Q6 and the list is growing) from 10%-80% in around 15 mins. Compare than to 1-2 hours on a "fast charger". Its a game changer for 800V EV owners as they can grab 200kms in 5mins charge. The sell price for ultra-fast EV chargers is understandably higher as the machines are expensive. Currently the street price is 60c/kWh and rising.

"AI" does the heavy lifting on what the daily strategy should be:

Safiery's profit optimizer is powered by AI (Artificial Intelligence). It reads market variables and place a probability on the forecast spot price. Variables that impact the price are:

  • The weather forecast loacally for solar yield.
  • The weather forescast elsewhere in the State for load demand.
  • Power system maintenance in the NEM (National Energy Market) indicated by unusually higher spot prices earlier in the day or notifications on the NEM.
  • Forecast EV usage
  • Forecast internal demand for day of week and month
  • Spot price is read as it changes every 5 mins
  1. Safiery's profit optimizer then recommends a daily strategy by 9am.
  2. If accepted, automatic decisions follow.
  3. You receive a daily report on the profit you make this month and year to date.

How to Move Forward:

  1. Safiery do an energy analysis. You authorize Safiery to collect data and share the current power bill under a confidentiality agreement. 
  2. If the result has a suitable payback, Safiery propose an outright purchase or lease agreement and expected profit return based on the energy analysis. 
  3. Your preferred solar installer can complete the install and commission the system. If you don’t have a preferred installer, we can nominate one. 

Future Safe Technology:

Whilst technology is constantly moving forward, the core system platform selections and design needs to be at the right level. For example, choosing 400V EV's for users living in apartments will be very frustrating and a poor choice of technology.

  1. For Commercial grade projects > 100kWp of solar, the choice is an 800V DC bus system. The AC power output remain 3 phase at 415V AC.
  2. Ultra-high Power conversion efficiency > 98% from solar and 96% from lithium battery. This is because of the high voltage 800V DC bus.
  3. Power converters are distributed as multiple large inverter/charger/MPPT solar controllers. All the eggs are not in one basket.
  4. Power conversion devices would be compliant with AS4777.2:2020, updated in 2022.
  5. All the power conversion products are suitable for outside installation.
  6. Solar Panels are high efficiency leading brand to get maximum yield from the available roof space. if you already have solar, we use the available panels in a reconfigured design. 100kWp-300kWp would be favourable.
  7. High voltage 800V DC Lithium batteries (this is the next level of storage) with matching kWh of energy storage.
    Safiery have installed nearly 1,000 48V Lithium from this supplier and are a distributor for this company. The supplier has many batteries CEC Accredited.
  8. Included is a Network Protection relay compliant with energy provider. 
  9. Safiery Hybrid Power Optimizer interfaces these devices and is internet connected.
  10. Safiery Micro-grid AI Software Licence. Annual licence fee included in contract.
  11. Safiery Monitoring Software Licence. Both energy and financial summary in real time. Monthly licence fee included in contract.
  12. Smartphone app to take with you anywhere. Monthly licence fee included in contract.
  13. Remote Gold Support included in contract.

Three Benefits

  1. Maximize the Financial Return from your investment.
    With all the energy produced by solar panels on your roof, the "AI" does the heavy lifting to decide on the best daily strategy to maximize profit: 1) only power your building, 2) export to EV Chargers 3) export to the grid, and 4) recharge lithium battery bank.

  2. Bring EV Users to your site
    You will be providing a community service as Ultra-fast EV chargers are hard to find.

  3. Provide Emergency Backup in Case of an Outage
    There are many reasons that the electricity grid can fail unexpectedly, whether it's because of a fire, a storm, or just a particularly hot day. With an off-grid battery system, you can stay online and keep your critical power supply running.


Design based on Renewable Energy ONLY

Renewable power is an uncontrolled source of power, but availability can be predicted. Energy storage solves the big issue of capturing excess renewable power, storing it, and releasing when required. 

Our storage solutions are high voltage lithium for fast efficient capture of solar. Optimizing storage balance is a science based on weather forecasts and expected energy demand.

Design based on Data

A big percentage of installed solar systems simply supply excess power to the grid during solar hours. Maximizing self consumption requires an understanding of the power demand and energy usage of high capacity devices.

Sizing a Solar powered Sustainable Energy power is also often based on weak data and, if at all, very short term measurements. Building a system without a full picture that considers the discrepancies between assumptions and reality can result in mis-applied design and false expectations about savings.



Data Analytics

Safiery’s dedicated team of engineers use data analytics to assess each customer’s energy requirements. Customers describe their lifestyle and the appliances they wish to use.  Safiery’s AI model uses this information to tailor a complete energy solution using a combination of different replenishment power sources of solar and vehicle alternators. Customers are then presented with a three-tier weather scenario and a forecast of time to go for lifestyle options.




However, it’s the monitoring of this customer after system installation that closes the loop on the theory and matches the real results to the model. None of this would be possible without accurate battery energy flow analysis and the CANbus Lithium provide this.


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