Warm Diffuse Light... Magic of “Hot Coals”
It frames the masterpiece you have created and pulls people like moths to a flame. Caravan, Motorhome and 4WD builders understand the challenge of aesthetic lighting and switching on a well engineered base. Although, switches & lights are at the end of the build and can be rushed. Wherever you go, you want to enjoy & show your hard-earned RV to the fullest. This package pulls together the best high resolution touch display plus automation for canopy door lights. Its designed for DIY enthiusiasts and comes either with pre-configuration or shipped as products. Its your choice between the two offerings.

Safiery Classic Switch Is similar alloy material and colour and same height as the Simarine Pico display.
Image above shows the custom engravable buttons of the Smart Switch. This is an upgrade to the Classic Switch which is the one included in this package. It has screen printed buttons